The calender new year have passed for exactly 1 week for the rest of the world at the time I’m writing this. Not for me at least. I’m still trapped in the slavery slump we named work since before the end of last year. Yesterday was the 24th consecutive day I’ve been working since god knows when, you do the maths, brain too screwed up to do it at the moment. Well, all I can say is that working nights straight for the past almost one month at a rate of 14 hours devoted to work every day, surviving with an average of 4 hours sleep, during which, I was accompanied by idiots hammering on god knows what in the apartment above mine, have not been really fun. Today is day 25. The last day of this madness, and then I’m going to celebrate my new year during the 5 days off that I’m going to get after this. A decent cooked meal, sleep and some meditation with the PS2 is in order. Maybe no fireworks, or maybe I can just make something explode in the house, hmm, interesting thought and the rantings above pretty sums up the situation I’m kinda in now.
The weather have been exceptionally cold here in Syria, on average, dipping down in the minus regions every night with the lowest so far of -7 degrees. Kinda cool to be experiencing this at first, but then it gets freezingly cold. Conclusion is, not cool nor fun, period. Not for a tropical kid at least. If you wanna know how it feels like, find yourself a freezer big enough for your size, and then live in it. Pretty much covers the experience. From the freezing fingers to the numbed nose. And a note for the cyclists, cycling on frozen ice ala ice skating is not recommended. Although this may or may not have been proven by extensive Nobel prize winning research, however fun it may be, I found this activity to be a tad dangerous. Let’s just say the thing we call friction, well, it’s kinda not there when you are cycling on ice.
For those whom have been asking or wondering, I still don’t know when I will be back in Malaysia yet. Not in time for Chinese New Year at least. This dumpsite still have works to be completed before it can be passed on to the idiots who own it to generate some electricity to light up their houses. Till that moment comes, I will be stuck here, with the ultimate powers of not being able to do anything about it. I know i sound bitchy, i blame it on the hammering idiots.