Sunday, August 26, 2007

~~~Wormy behaviour~~~

Finally i could access my blog..where? definately not at home cos as i have mentioned in my previous posting..the stupid isp's i were using have blocked all access to the blogspot which means i am shot and wounded too.. rediscovered hobby here in Damascus, reading, have also its a member of the British Council in Syria, i can use their internet stations for free and finally i could access the blog from here.

but not much time to spare cos i just picked up 3 more books with a total thickness of around 8 inches to dive into for the next two weeks..reading have been fun..takes ur mind off things u don't want to be thinking about when u dont wanna think about it.

okie dokie..time to squirm myself with some slimy stuff to transform myself into a bookworm again.....

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


was i sleeping too long? ooppsss sorry..hehe

nah..that wasn't the case..the stupid isp's here in syria blocked all access to all blogspot blog included..therefore i have no way to view my sad..

anyway i found another way to update be back with more later k..